Nelkenstrasse 6
8330 Pfäffikon Switzerland
Mobile: 0041 76 720 7576
Facebook: Chanse-Talentcoaching
LinkedIn: Patricia Heemskerk
Do you recognize this?
You have an important meeting and don't know what to wear
You don't know which colour fits you well
You bought clothes, but you don't feel comfortable in it
You don't have the impact you want to have
You have cloth that make you looking tired and grey
Image advising will help you out:
We are all unique, inside and outside. Everybody has his or her skin, eye and hair colour. This is who we are and how we look like. Therefore we all have our own colours which make us shine, show the best version of who we are and give us a younger and energetic impression.
During an image and colour advice, do we analyse the colours that fit you best, who you are and the qualities that you bring. Resulting in a profile with colours that fit you best. You can use this in clothing, in accessories and in anything where you want to show yourself. In this way, you feel more confident and power full. You will notice that people will react different to you. You will have more impact.
You know which colours fits you well and make you shine
You know which colour combinations fits you and fits your personality (colour card)
You feel more confident and know how to shine during an (business) appointment.
It is all about...
The colours of your cloths
The style of cloths
Bringing the right cloths and combinations together
Putting more or less attention to certain parts of your body......
I can support you in having more impact and shine as the best version of yourself. Everybody is beautiful in his or her own unique way, inside and outside. It is my passion to let people shine, to let them become aware of who they are and the qualities they have.